- Zoë Arnold, Year 12 student
Why did you choose to further your studies at Impington International College (IIC)? What stood out to you about its offering?
I chose to study at IIC because the variety of subjects available within the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) particularly appealed to me. The reduced class sizes, excellent individual student care and international outlook also significantly contributed to my decision.
What appealed to you most about your chosen pathway at IIC?
The variety of subjects available within the DP was the deciding factor for my pathway choice, as I was keen to keep my options open by maintaining a balance of subjects.
What elements of your study are you currently enjoying the most and why?
I am enjoying the English Literature course, as I am passionate about the subject, and the wide variety of texts that we study opens so many opportunities for exploration that I didn’t have access to previously. I find there is a greater freedom that encourages self-expression and developing well-rounded perspectives that prevents our lessons from ever feeling formulaic or overly regimented.
How was the transition from IVC to IIC?
Given that I was already familiar with the site, and many of the staff, I found the transition from IVC to IIC to be very smooth and uncomplicated; the biggest change that I experienced was the greater freedom I gained moving into the Sixth Form learning environment.
What was one of the most valuable lessons that you learnt from your time at IVC, that you have carried over to your studies at IIC?
I was encouraged to not be afraid to branch out and try new things. This was directly introduced through the iCAS experience, that I continue to take part in as a Year 12.
What support was offered to you from teachers/staff when choosing what you wanted to study?
During my time in Year 11 at IVC, I attended virtual taster sessions to get a feel for what to expect in each subject. I also spoke to teachers in certain subject areas, who could advise me on which pathways might suit me, and I found this to be extremely beneficial as my personal interests and working style were accounted for.
How have the teachers at IIC helped you with balancing your workload and with exam preparation?
The teachers immediately made it clear that they would support us with balancing our subjects, outlining expectations for workload in initial lessons and being flexible where homework was too extensive to manage at certain points.
Tell us about any extra-curricular clubs you are a part of – how did you get involved, and why?
I attend the Feminist Club on a weekly basis where I interact with people across every year group, and we critically discuss issues we are passionate about. I wanted to get involved as it’s very important to me, and I could potentially adopt a role, with my fellow Sixth Formers who attend, in leading a session for the other students.
What are you hoping to do following your studies at IIC?
I am currently interested in studying English Literature at university and finding a course that would allow me to study abroad, possibly in France, to further my comprehension of the language.
What support has been offered to you by IIC to prepare you for these next steps?
Teachers across every subject offer optimal support to guarantee I am confident in each field, and have the potential to pursue a range of different courses, should I be interested. In French, the language is taught at a highly immersive level that builds up linguistic skills which will support my plans to travel.
What advice would you give to younger students when choosing where to study next?
Explore your options fully and find the course that works for you. Don’t just settle with subjects that you can tolerate to study with your current friends – try to prioritise your interests and figure out what will be the most fulfilling to you, because your education will be so much more rewarding if you are in charge and enjoying what you are doing.
If you could sum up your IIC experience in three words, what would they be?
Open-minded, motivational and innovative.